The future of work

The world is changing. Digitisation, innovation and globalisation are changing the way we work. Technology and startups shake up existing markets and create entirely new ones.

Organizations are becoming less hierarchical. Collaborating within organizations and with stakeholders outside the organization is becoming increasingly more important. New jobs and roles emerge as other professions cease to exist. People are working longer and permanent jobs are no longer self-evident. This calls for vital employees who are open to learning, development and mobility.

How do you cope with new generations in the organization and diversity? How do you facilitate more collaboration in and between teams? Which employees actually belong to the core of your organization and which skills would you prefer to employ on temporary basis only? An issue and challenge for many organizations.

Steve Hatfield | Organizations & The Future of Work |
Global Summit 2018 | Singularity University

How do you organize for the future?
OrgLife helps to build future-proof organizations. Starting from your strategy and business goals, we work together to analyze your current and future workforce to build an HR approach to the future. What does your organization require of its employees, managers and above all its teams? Issues at the intersection of people, work and organization.